Health Psychology

About the Course

Health Psychology examines how social, behavioural, and cultural factors influence physical and mental health conditions and local and global contexts. It is also designed to promote cultural competence in diagnosis, treatment, and research strategies.

Students will learn how culture influences human behaviour and the conceptualisation of health and psychopathology, with a focus on current, controversial topics. They will also examine the ways their understandings of health and well-being shape, and are shaped by, the healthcare system, their own values, and their assumptions. Learn more about PSY382 here.



About the Professor

Dr Limore Racin holds a PhD in Cross-Cultural Psychology and completed the Harvard program in Global Mental Health: Trauma & Recovery and Mind Body Medicine. She has work experience in capacity building projects related to culture, public health, and mental health throughout Southern Africa and Israel. She has also participated in projects both at Tate Modern and the Wallace Collection. Currently, she is a lecturer at Goldsmiths College in the Psychosocial department and practices as a private psychotherapist.