Serena Dibianco

Home to me is always being in a routine. I’m someone who doesn’t like change and I like to stick to a plan. My whole family is like that, so whenever I’m home in New Jersey we usually do the same things together; we work out, we eat together, we watch TV, etc. Things are somewhat set in stone and it makes for a very comfortable feeling. Obviously being abroad is a lot of change, and it it’s put a lot of stress on me because I don’t have a routine here and I still need to get adjusted to a brand new environment. I’ve never been here before, I’ve never been out of the country before and I’ve never been by myself for this long with no way of getting home. At Syracuse, at least I know I have the option of driving home if I needed to. Here it’s just a different world. So a big part of making this feel like home to me is getting a routine down and getting a set path of what I’m going to do every day. A huge part of that is making time to work out, and that’s something I can control. It’s a huge stress reliever for me and makes me feel at home because my mom is a personal trainer and we always work out together. She’s just instilled in my mind that to be productive you need to exercise. When I work out every day, I feel like I’m getting something done and it gives me a fresh start to my day. Having control over that one aspect of my life while I’m living in an environment that I don’t have much control over definitely makes me feel more at home.