Symposium Series

Our public Symposia Series holds special events exploring themes of “People and Planet”, key values at Syracuse London.

We believe that all individuals have rights and responsibilities by virtue of their membership in the global community, and strive to help our students understand and act on their privilege. Our academic courses and co-curricular programming are designed to build students’ awareness of their place in – and, crucially, their impact on – the wider world.

In today’s world, theĀ global is not some faraway concept that exists ‘out there’ somewhere; it is an immediate part of our everyday lives and experiences. When we eat fresh blueberries in the middle of the London winter, we are benefiting from trade ties with communities in other ecosystems. When we call our parents using FaceTime or WhatsApp, we are relying on thousands of people’s combined innovations and a wide-ranging telecommunications system. When we buy a new pair of jeans, we are making a statement about what kinds of labour practices and economic systems we are willing to support.

Thinking of ourselves as belonging to the world as a whole helps nurture respect for life, wherever it exists. Being aware of how our actions have consequences beyond ourselvesĀ encourages us to think critically about what is fair and just.

Ultimately, our Symposium Series questions What kind of world do we want to live in? and How can we help create that world?