Learning Support

Studying abroad is a new challenge. You might be learning new subjects or discovering entirely new approaches to your own field. Whether you need assistance for a specific assignment, help managing your study schedule, tips on how to study whilst travelling, or advice on coping with new living situations, the Syracuse London Academic Staff are available to help. Our goal for your semester is for you to grow personally, professionally, an academically: While we want you to be challenged, we also want you to have the skills and confidence you need to meet these challenges.

To get you started, you can review these examples and advice packets created by our academic staff, designed to help you with:

For more focused attention, get in touch with our Learning Advocate.

For further help, all Syracuse London students (including those visiting from other universities) can take advantage of Syracuse University’s Writing Center, which offers online support that can be booked here.

Help and How-To-Guides are easily accessible online from Syracuse Library here for general academic work and here for London-specific resources.